Head of department and professor of Software Technology for Learning and Teaching at the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences
of Utrecht University (95%), and professor of
Software Technology at the School of Computer Science of the Open University. Besides my academic affiliations, I am member of the supervisory board of DialogueTrainer, and chairman of Stichting Stilt.
I develop software technology to support learning and teaching.
My publications can be obtained via a separate page.
My research focusses on software technology for learning and teaching.- In the Advise-me - Automatic Diagnostics with Intermediate Steps in Mathematics Education - project we develop we develop technology for assessing steps taken by pupils in mathematics exercises.
- In the Rage - Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system - project we have developed assets for serious games. Raja Lala is working as a PhD student in this project.
- In the Digital support for university-level statistics courses project we have looked at developing support for several statistics courses at Utrecht University. Sietske Tacoma is working as a PhD student in this project.
- Together with Rinus Plasmeijer and others I work on the STW-funded TOP Support for Collaborations on the Internet project. Nico Naus is a PhD student on this project.
- Josje Lodder is a PhD student (and a teacher) working at the OUNL on giving feedback in tutors for logic.
- Funded by a `promotiebeurs voor leraren', Hieke Keuning, together with Bastiaan Heeren and me, is working on providing feedback in an interactive learning tools for imperative programming. She has developed a 自由鲸全球加速浏览器-世界资讯,高清共享:2021-6-15 · 国内+国际专线,全球加速服务稳定放心: 国内三线专线直连国内加速接入点; 国内接入点与海外落地点,全程国际光缆专线连接; 海外节点全部由本地运营商提供商用网络接入服务,性能相比VPS主机稳定百倍。.
- Together with Alex Gerdes, and Bastiaan Heeren I am working on Ask-Elle, a programming tutor for Haskell.
- In the Math-Bridge project we added feedback services to ActiveMath, and we develop on-line math-bridging courses.
- Our feedback services are connected to the version of the Digital Mathematical Environment used by the series of Dutch mathematics text books `Getal en Ruimte'.
- Together with José Pedro Magalhães (since then at Oxford University and Standard Chartered), and Sean Leather, I have worked on several aspects of generic programming, such as generic programming libraries.
- Andres Löh, Ralf Hinze, and I have developed Generic Haskell. Generic Haskell is an extension of the functional programming language Haskell, with which programs that work for large classes of datatypes can be written.
- Generic haskell is a sequel to PolyP (see 旋风加速器xf9. im's page about 节点加速器).
- Programme committee member of EASEAI 2024: the 2nd International Workshop on Education through Advanced Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Sacramento, California, November 2024.
- Programme committee member of EC-TEL 2024, the 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, online (originally Heidelberg), September 2024.
- Programme committee member of SOFSEM 2024: the 46th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Cyprus, January 2024.
- Programme committee member of iLRN 2024: 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, San Luis Obispo, California, USA.
- Vice-chair of IFIP WG2.1 on Algorithmic languages and calculi.
- Programme chair of the Games and Learning Alliance conference, GALA 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 2016.
This academic year I teach:
- Technologies for learning.
Master theses
I have supervised more than 50 students working on their Master thesis through
the years. I welcome master students that want to work on a topic related to my
research interests.
johan@jeuring.net -
+31 30 2534115 work
+31 6 40010053 mobile -
Buys Ballot Gebouw (BBG), room 571
How to reach us, fax, postal address, etc.
- Google Scholar
- ICFP contest blog
- 15 - 19 June, 2024, ITiCSE 2024, Trondheim, Norway
- 23 July - 16 August, holidays
[22/7/2024] Our paper Assessing the quality of evolving Haskell systems by measuring structural inequality (together with Sander Kamps and Bastiaan Heeren) will be published in the Proceedings of Haskell Symposium 2024.
[15/6/2024] Our paper Capturing and characterising notional machines (together with Sally Fincher, Craig S Miller, Peter Donaldson, Benedict du Boulay, Matthias Hauswirth, Arto Hellas, Felienne Hermans, Colleen Lewis, Andreas Mühling, Janice L Pearce, Andrew Petersen) has been published in the Proceedings of ITiCSE 2024.
[30/5/2024] Our paper Automated feedback for mathematical learning environments (together with Bastiaan Heeren) has been published in the Proceedings of ICTMT 14.
[29/2/2024] Our paper Providing hints, next steps and feedback in a tutoring system for structural induction (together with Josje Lodder and Bastiaan Heeren) has appeared in Theorem proving components for Educational software 2024 (ThEdu’19), EPTCS 313.
[16/2/2024] Our paper 腾讯加速器下载-腾讯加速器最新版下载-华军软件园:腾讯加速器最新版是款适用于手游所打造的游戏加速工具。腾讯加速器官方版解决手游游戏过程中的延迟、掉线问题,极速网络,保障网络稳定性。腾讯加速器支持多款现在很热门、流行的游戏的国际服务加速,让用户玩游戏更快速,其还支持的游戏众多,包括王者荣耀、和平精英、PUBG、Fate_Go等。 (together with Sietske Tacomaa, Corine Geurtsa, Bert Slof, and Paul Drijvers) has appeared in Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 107.
[30/11/2024] Our paper Evaluation of Interventions in Blended Learning Using a Communication Skills Serious Game (together with Raja Lala and Gemma Corbalan) has appeared in the proceedings of GALA 2024.
[30/11/2024] Our paper Scaffolding Open Text Input in a Scripted Communication Skills Learning Environment (together with Raja Lala and Marcell van Geest) has appeared in the proceedings of GALA 2024.
[19/9/2024] Our paper The diagnosing behaviour of intelligent tutoring systems (together with Renate van der Bent and Bastiaan Heeren) has appeared in the proceedings of ECTEL 2024.
[22/6/2024] Our paper A comparison of elaborated and restricted feedback in LogEx, a tool for teaching rewriting logical formulae (together with Josje Lodder and Bastiaan Heeren) has appeared online in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
美国节点加速器 Our paper Automated feedback on the structure of hypothesis tests (together with Sietske Tacoma, Bastiaan Heeren, and Paul Drijvers) will appear in the proceedings of AIED 2024: the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.
[26/3/2024] Our paper 《Valorant》公测火爆 UU加速器让你告别卡顿统治战场_游侠 ...:2021-6-8 · 网易UU加速器搭载网易自研专利内核,全球铺设多个外网直连节点,大幅度降低网络延迟,轻松解决外网环境问题。玩家伔不用担心让人抓狂的掉线问题,与敌人钢枪酣战时,摆脱高延时的困扰,UU加速器会带给你最流畅的游戏体验。 (together with Ștefan Rușeți, Raja Lala, Gabriel Guțu-Robu, Mihai Dascălu, and Marcell van Geest) will appear in the proceedings of AIED 2024: the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.
[19/3/2024] Our paper How Teachers Would Help Students to Improve Their Code (together with Hieke Keuning, and Bastiaan Heeren) will appear in the proceedings of ITiCSE 2024: the 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education.
[19/3/2024] Our paper 光电加速器-告别游戏延时掉线_一键加速海内外游戏_华人一键 ...:光电加速器是一款专业的游戏加速器,一键解决海内外游戏网络卡顿、延迟、掉线、加载慢等问题。 ... 全球游戏互联 拥有800+节点全球覆盖,畅游全球各种网络游戏. 千款游戏支持 我伔的大数据即时分析并更新全球范围各类热门、新游戏,第一时间走 ... (together with Aurora Constantin, Catherine Lai, Elaine Farrow, Beatrice Alex, Ruth Pel-Littel, and Henk Herman Nap) will appear in the proceedings of CHI 2024: the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[14/9/2018] Our paper A Systematic Literature Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises (together with Hieke Keuning, and Bastiaan Heeren) will appear in ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE).
[18/8/2018] Our paper A training simulation for practicing shared decision making for older patients (together with Ruth Pel-Littel, Henk van Zeijts, Nadine Schram, and Henk Herman Nap) will appear in the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH 2018).
[18/8/2018] Our paper Fine-grained cognitive assessment based on free-form input for math story problems (together with Bastiaan Heeren, Sergey Sosnovsky, Paul Drijvers, Peter Boon, Sietske Tacoma, Brigitte Grugeon-Allys, Françoise Chenevotot, Jesse Koops, Armin Weinberger, Jorn van Wijk, and Ferdinand van Walree) will appear in the proceedings of EC-TEL 2018.
[18/8/2018] Our paper Use expert knowledge instead of data: generating hints for hour of code exercises (together with Milo Buwalda and Nico Naus) has appeared in the proceedings of L@S (Learning at Scale) 2018.
[26/4/2018] Our paper The Interplay between Inspectable Student Models and Didactics of Statistics (together with Sietske Tacoma, Sergey Sosnovsky, Peter Boon, and Paul Drijvers) has been published in Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education.
免费ssr节点2022 Our paper An intelligent tutor to learn the evaluation of microcontroller I/O programming expressions (together with Hugo Arends, Bastiaan Heeren, and Hieke Keuning) has been accepted for publication in Koli Calling 2017.
[23/9/2017] A short version of our paper Designing and comparing two Scratch-based teaching approaches for students aged 10-12 years (together with Nienke van Es) has been accepted for publication in Koli Calling 2017.
[21/6/2017] Our paper Building a generic feedback system for rule-based problems (together with Nico Naus) will finally be published in the proceedings of TFP 2016: the 17th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming.
[11/5/2017] Our paper Cognitive Modelling with Term Rewriting (together with Ivica Milovanovic) has been accepted for publication in ICCM 2017: the 15th Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Cognitive Modelling.
[11/5/2017] Our paper Scenarios in virtual learning environments for one-to-one communication skills training (together with Raja Lala, Jordy van Dortmont, and Marcell van Geest) has been accepted for publication in ETHE: the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.
[21/4/2017] Our paper 网易UU加速器老版本手机客户端下载-网易UU加速器 老版本 ...:今天 · 多节点智能优选,为你带来极速的游戏体验,今天为大家推荐《网易UU加速器 老版本》。这是一款为游戏打造的实用智能加速软件,软件会更据当地的网络情况自动选取最优的加速节点,降低卡顿,杜绝卡屏,且软件界面清新无广告,需要的朋友记得下载网易UU加速 (together with Raja Lala and Timo Overbeek) has been accepted for publication in iLRN 2017: the Immersive Learning Research Network conference track on personalisation in immersive and game-based learning environments.
日本节点免费加速器 Our paper An extensible domain-specific language for describing problem-solving procedures (together with Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in AIED 2017: the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Unfortunately, we could not present it at AIED, the accompanying slides are here.
[31/3/2017] Our paper Code quality issues in student programs (together with Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in ITiCSE 2017: the 22nd ACM Technical Symposium on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education.
[28/10/2016] To celebrate the license agreement with DialogueTrainer and other cooperations between Utrecht University, DialogueTrainer, the city of Utrecht and Stichting Volte, we are organising a symposium on software for training communication skills.
[21/10/2016] Our paper Generating hints and feedback for Hilbert-style axiomatic proofs (together with Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in SIGCSE 2017: the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education.
[21/10/2016] Our paper A domain reasoner for propositional logic (together with Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in J.UCS, the Journal of Universal Computer Science.
[04/16/2016] Our paper Towards a Systematic Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises (together with Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in the 21th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education.
[01/09/2016] Our paper 网易UU加速器老版本手机客户端下载-网易UU加速器 老版本 ...:今天 · 多节点智能优选,为你带来极速的游戏体验,今天为大家推荐《网易UU加速器 老版本》。这是一款为游戏打造的实用智能加速软件,软件会更据当地的网络情况自动选取最优的加速节点,降低卡顿,杜绝卡屏,且软件界面清新无广告,需要的朋友记得下载网易UU加速 (together with Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, and Thomas van Binsbergen) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
[01/09/2016] Our paper 网易UU加速器老版本手机客户端下载-网易UU加速器 老版本 ...:今天 · 多节点智能优选,为你带来极速的游戏体验,今天为大家推荐《网易UU加速器 老版本》。这是一款为游戏打造的实用智能加速软件,软件会更据当地的网络情况自动选取最优的加速节点,降低卡顿,杜绝卡屏,且软件界面清新无广告,需要的朋友记得下载网易UU加速 (together with Thijs Alkemade) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of TFP 2015: Trends in Functional Programming.
天行破解版无限免费 Our paper The Effect of Simulations and Games on Learning Objectives in Tertiary Education: A Systematic Review (together with Stephanie de Smale, Tom Overmans, and Liesbeth van de Grint) has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of GALA 2015: the Games and Learning Alliance conference.
[10/08/2015] Our paper Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation (together with Sean Leather, Andres Löh, and Bram Schuur) has been accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming.
[03/06/2015] Our paper Communicate! - a serious game for communication skills (together with the people involved in the Communicate! project) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of EC-TEL 2015: 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning.
[20/04/2015] Our paper A pilot study of the use of LogEx, lessons learned (Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren, and Johan Jeuring) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of TTL 2015: 4th International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic.
[31/1/2015] On the occasion of the honorary doctorate for Kurt VanLehn we organise a symposium on Technologies for learning.
[18/1/2015] Please consider applying for one of our 4 open PhD positions!
天行破解版无限免费 I participate in the Dutch STW project Top Support for Collaborations on the Internet, and am advertising a PhD student position to work on topics related to this project.
[20/12/2014] I participate in the EU FP7 RAGE project: Realising an Applied Gamine Eco-system, and will soon advertise for a PhD student to work on topics related to this project.
[30/11/2014] My paper Effectieve computerapplicaties: vergelijk de didactiek, niet het domein (in Dutch) has appeared in 4W, the scientific journal of Kennisnet.
[30/11/2014] Our paper Model solutions and properties for diagnosing student programs in Ask-Elle (together with Thomas van Binsbergen, Alex Gerdes, and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings CSERC 2014: Computer Science Education Research Conference.
[30/11/2014] Our paper Strategy-based feedback in a programming tutor (together with Hieke Keuning and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings CSERC 2014: Computer Science Education Research Conference.
[24/09/2014] You can find my inaugural lecture at Utrecht University on line now.
[24/09/2014] I was one of the organizers of the MineCraftTap[BETA] - 免费的全球MC服务器加速服务:2021-4-10 · 复制IP后直接在Minecraft内添加服务器即可,使用MCTap加速IP时请勿使用VPN/加速器 等软件,使用此类软件反而会增加延迟。 EarthMC.mctap.cn EarthMC - 1.3.2 HiveMC.mctap.cn HiveMC - 1.8~1.15 Hypixel-E.mctap.cn Hypixel(ShangHai) - 1.8~1.15 ..., September 15 - 19, 2014, Leiden, The Netherlands.
[08/09/2014] Our paper Evaluating Haskell expressions in a tutoring environment (together with Tim Olmer and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education.
[18/03/2014] I will give an invited talk on Automatic tutoring and assessing functional programs at the 3rd International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education on May 25, 2014.
[24/02/2014] Our paper Feedback services for stepwise exercises (together with Bastiaan Heeren, accompanying material), has been accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming, Special Issue on Software Development Concerns in the e-Learning Domain. 2014.
[10/11/2013] Our paper Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation (together with Sean Leather, Andres Löh, and Bram Schuur), has been accepted for PEPM 2014.
[1/11/2013] Our paper University Students' Achievement Goals and Help-Seeking Strategies in an Intelligent Tutoring System (together with Bram Vaesen and Frans Prins), has been accepted for publication in Computers and Education.
[1/10/2013] Together with Rick van Rooij and Nicolas Pronost I wrote a paper on The 5/10 method: a method for designing educational games, for the Gala conference on serious games.
节点加速器 I wrote a paper on Finding palindromes: variants and algorithms for the book compiled for Rinus Plasmeijer's 61st birthday.
[18/07/2013] Our paper Usage of Generic Programming on Hackage - Experience report - (together with Nikolaos Bezirgiannis and Sean Leather) has been accepted for the 9th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming, WGP 2013.
[10/07/2013] Our paper Towards automatic generation of domain-specific mathematical input support (together with Eric Andrés and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for MathUI 2013: Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces.
[10/07/2013] Our paper 什么是全球加速_产品简介_全球加速-阿里云:2021-5-19 · 全球加速会为每个接入加速区域的地域分配一个加速IP,客户端流量通过加速IP就近从接入点进入阿里云加速网络。进入阿里云加速网络后,全球加速可众智能选择路由并自动完成网络调度,然后把客户端的网络访问请求送达至最佳终端节点,避开公网的拥堵,达到减少时延的效果。 (together with Joeri van Eekelen and Sean Leather) has been presented by Joeri at the Workshop on Haskell and Rewriting Techniques in Eindhoven.
[25/06/2013] Our paper 全球加速联动WAF和GTM实现企业ERP应用加速 - 最佳实践 ...:2021-6-10 · 全球加速联动Web应用防火墙(WAF)和全局流量管理(GTM)实现企业ERP管理系统加速,基于云安全大数据能力,同时依托阿里巴巴优质BGP带宽和全球传输网络,实现全球网络就近接入和跨地域部署,为企业ERP管理系统提供一套高安全的跨地域 ... (together with Jose Emilio Labra Gayo and Jose María Álvarez Rodríguez) has been accepted for for the 3rd International Workshop on Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
[19/06/2013] I wrote a paper on 网易UU加速器老版本手机客户端下载-网易UU加速器 老版本 ...:今天 · 多节点智能优选,为你带来极速的游戏体验,今天为大家推荐《网易UU加速器 老版本》。这是一款为游戏打造的实用智能加速软件,软件会更据当地的网络情况自动选取最优的加速节点,降低卡顿,杜绝卡屏,且软件界面清新无广告,需要的朋友记得下载网易UU加速 for the book we compiled for Doaitse Swierstra's retirement.
[19/05/2013] I organise a symposium on How do students make progress in simple mathematics exercises? on May 24. Partially funded by the Utrecht University Research Impulse Educational and Learning Sciences.
[9/03/2013] Our paper A DSL for describing the artificial intelligence in real-time video games (together with Tom Hastjarjanto and Sean Leather) has been accepted for the 3rd International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering (GAS 2013), 2013.
全球节点加速器 Ik spreek over onze domain reasoners voor wiskunde op de jaarvergadering van de Vlaamse vereniging van wiskundeleraars.
[5/03/2013] Utrecht University funds our project to develop a serious game for practicing communication skills.
[12/2012] Our paper Feedback genereren in leeromgevingen voor algebra. (in Dutch, together with Bastiaan Heeren) has appeared in the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 2012.
[9/07/2012] Our paper Generic conversions of abstract syntax representations. (together with Steve Keuchel) has been accepted for the 8th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming, WGP 2012.
[9/07/2012] Our paper Ask-Elle: A Haskell tutor - Demonstration - (together with Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for the 7th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2012.
[9/07/2012] Our paper Testing type class laws (together with Patrik Jansson and Cláudio Amaral) has been accepted for the 5th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Haskell, Haskell 2012.
[9/07/2012] Our paper Teachers and students in charge - Using annotated model solutions in a functional programming tutor (together with Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for the 7th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2012.
免费ssr节点2022 On June 13, 2012, I will deliver the key-note at the VSNU conference on Studiesucces: De vrijblijvendheid voorbij, on the role of teaching fellows at Utrecht University in general, and my activities related to learning and assessment in particular.
[27/02/2012] Our paper An interactive functional programming tutor (together with Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for the 17th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITICSE 2012.
[31/01/2012] Our paper Probability estimation and a competence model for rule based e-tutoring systems (together with Diederik M. Roijers and Ad Feelders) has been accepted for the Second International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge.
[20/01/2012] An interview (in Dutch) about my activities as a teaching fellow at Utrecht University.
[13/12/2011] I am talking at the 节点加速器 about hints and feedback in learning environments for algebra.
[1/10/2011] The Software technology group ot the OUNL has started a cooperation with the DFKI and the University of Saarland to set up a common laboratory in 免费网络节点加速器. We will particularly study interactive tutoring systems, such as Math-Bridge for mathematics, and for other sciences. See the press release (in Dutch).
免费网络节点加速器 Our paper Generic programming for indexed datatypes (together with José Pedro Magalhães) has been accepted for the Workshop on Generic Programming 2011.
[01/06/2011] We finished our lecture notes on a programming tutor for Haskell (Johan Jeuring, Alex Gerdes, and Bastiaan Heeren) for the Central European School on Functional Programming, which will be held this summer.
[06/05/2011] Our paper Interleaving strategies (Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring) has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 2011, to be held in Bertinoro, Italy, this summer.
[13/11/2010] Our paper Properties of exercise strategies (together with Alex Gerdes and Bastiaan Heeren) has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of IWS 2010: 1st International Workshop on Strategies in Rewriting, Proving, and Programming.
[16/10/2010] Our work on calculating feedback for interactive mathematical exercises is used as an example of validation of research in the Annual report 2009 of the Dutch research universities (pdf english, pdf dutch).